Why Choose a Real Christmas Tree?

Real Christmas Trees are grown on farms just like any other crop, and these farms employ more than 100,000 Americans each year. To ensure a constant supply, Christmas tree growers plant one to three new seedlings for every tree they harvest. So cutting a tree down does NOT reduce the number of trees working to purify the air. In fact, if more trees are cut and sold, the industry will plant even more trees for tomorrow. And here's what happens: Every tree absorbs carbon dioxide and other gases, and emits fresh oxygen. It's natures filtration system.
Moreover, Christmas tree farms help to stabilize the soil, protecting the water supplies and providing refuge for wildlife. These beautiful, scenic belts of trees are often grown on soil that doesn't support other crops, making it another environmentally friendly choice.
About the Artificial Tree
No matter what they do, an artificial tree will never look like, feel like or smell like a real Christmas tree. Pine sol isn't the same as the aroma of a real tree fresh from the farm! Additionally, most artificial trees are a petroleum-based product manufactured primarily in Chinese factories with smokey freighters that bring the artificial trees to the U.S. The average family uses their artificial tree for only six to nine years before throwing it away -- where it will remain in a landfill for centuries after it is discarded.
Moreover, Christmas tree farms help to stabilize the soil, protecting the water supplies and providing refuge for wildlife. These beautiful, scenic belts of trees are often grown on soil that doesn't support other crops, making it another environmentally friendly choice.
About the Artificial Tree
No matter what they do, an artificial tree will never look like, feel like or smell like a real Christmas tree. Pine sol isn't the same as the aroma of a real tree fresh from the farm! Additionally, most artificial trees are a petroleum-based product manufactured primarily in Chinese factories with smokey freighters that bring the artificial trees to the U.S. The average family uses their artificial tree for only six to nine years before throwing it away -- where it will remain in a landfill for centuries after it is discarded.